Thursday, 17 September 2015

What is The First Expedition

Welcome to The First Expedition, a blog for all thing 30k related!

So what is The First Expedition?

Primarily, we are actually a forum, and you can find us here. However, a small team of us will also be keeping the blog updated with hobby articles, new releases/reviews and showcases on peoples work we think deserves the spotlight.  

Also over at the forum we run regular (ish) Painting and Writing competitions, so if that appeals to you I urge you to check it out,  we currently have a writing challenge running but the deadline is Sunday 20th September, so unless your a super speedy writer you may have missed this one, but don't worry, there will be more.

We're all huge 30k fans so obviously that is going to be our focus. So lets introduce the team:

John Caboche aka White Wolf
Main Army - Luna Wolves - having a very large IF army painted for me as I don't have time.....
Interesting fact - re enact English Civil War battles when I have spare time which isn't often.....

Main Army: Loyalists from the Traitor Legions (I just couldn't choose between them!)
Interesting Fact: Virtually every model is either kit-bashed or converted in some way.

Main Army: Rogue-Trader-themed Ultramarines
Interesting Fact: none  laugh.gif (He's our lord and master on the forums!)

Main Army: Luna Wolves (with some allied Legion units - World Eaters, Emperor's Children, Thousand Sons, Mechanicus allied Knights)
Interesting Fact: I introduced a friend to 40k, 4 - 5 years later he opened his own game store! (he also knows how to write very nasty tournament lists)

Liam Harrison aka Helios
Main Army: Death Guard and Imperial Fists
Interesting Facts: Less interesting, more tragic is that I have seen The Lord of the Rings Trilogy so many times I can quote the entirety of it.

Will Wright
Armies:Mechanicum,Sons of Horus,Imperial Fist,Solar Guard
Interesting fact: The phone company does not need to put a little black box on your line to tap into a call,I did it when I was five visiting my dads job 

Main Army: Ultramarines
Interesting Fact: My first box set of 40k miniatures was the Epic scale Warlord Titans. The bits became dreadnoughts for Space Crusade, ork robots, Dark Future car weapons, and (for some reason) Epic scale land speeders.

Amy Clark aka AC101
Main Army: Loyalist Iron Warriors (with some Mechanicum allies)
Interesting Fact: To give Liam a run for his money on tragic facts,  I know all the words to pretty much all the songs in the 90's Disney films

So that's us,  look out for our updates coming soon, and if your a Heresy era fan please consider signing up on the forum!

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